[Lecture Notes] Introduction to Linear Dynamical Systems

Devin Z
4 min readSep 23, 2023


Facts and tricks about matrices.

San Diego, July 29, 2023
  • Matrix as a linear mapping:
    - A row corresponds to an output.
    - A column corresponds to an input.
  • Matrix multiplication:
    - A matrix times a column vector is the vertical stacking of inner products between the rows of the matrix and the column vector.
    - A matrix times a column vector is also a linear combination of the columns of the matrix.
    - The ith row of the matrix product AB is the ith row of A times B.
    - The jth column of the matrix product AB is A times the jth column of B.
    - Multiplying a diagonal matrix on the right scales the columns of a matrix.
    - Multiplying a diagonal matrix on the left scales the rows of a matrix.
    - A product of three matrices with a diagonal matrix in the middle is a linear combination of the outer products, where the kth outer product belongs to the kth column of the left matrix and the kth row of the right matrix.
    - For more intuitive interpretations, see The Art of Linear Algebra.
  • Gram-Schmidt process for QR factorization:
  • Pseudo inverse as the least-squares (approximate) solution to a full-rank overdetermined linear system:
  • Incremental rank-one update:
  • A multi-objective point is Pareto optimal if there’s no point that is better than it without trading off any of the objectives.
    - For multi-objective least squares, the Pareto optimal points form a convex surface.
  • The least-norm solution to a full-rank underdetermined linear system:
  • Solving a high-order linear ODE:
  • Diagonalizable linear system:
  • The size of a Jordan block in the canonical form of a linear system determines the degree of the polynomial factor for an eigenvalue in the solution.
  • Solution to a linear system as a linear combination of generalized modes:
  • Cayley-Hamilton theorem implies:
  • Continuous-time linear time-invariant system:
  • For a real symmetric matrix, all the eigenvalues are real numbers and eigenvectors for different eigenvalues are orthogonal.
  • Matrix norm as the maximum gain:
  • Singular value decomposition (SVD) leading to the generalized pseudo inverse:
  • The ith largest singular value is the distance (in terms of matrix norms) from the original matrix to any matrix of rank i-1.
  • The reachable subspace of a discrete-time linear dynamical system after k steps:
  • A linear system is controllable if any state is reachable.
    - For a discrete-time system, a reachable state can be reached in n or fewer steps.
    - For a continuous-time system, a reachable state can be reached in any amount of time ahead, with varying amount of energy required.
    - The sufficient and necessary condition is that the controllability matrix has full rank.



Devin Z
Devin Z

Written by Devin Z


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